Please click on the "info" links below to see and understand what the prices include.
Super-8 Film (S8) / Normal 8mm Film (N8) |
How does my film format affect price?
Most Normal 8 mm film was shot at 16 frames per second, whereas Super 8 was shot at 18 frames per second. Therefore, Normal 8 film has a longer running time and amounts to more minutes of transferred footage as compared to Super 8 film. Since we base our invoice price on total minutes of transferred footage, the two formats make the price differ a bit. (Note: If the original film was shot at 24 frames per second, it will have shorter running-time and will cost less.)
16, 18 and 24 frames per second |
How does my film speed affect price?
It doesn't affect the total minutes worth of running-time that you have. However, it does affect the cleaning price, since we base our cleaning price on total meters of film. Film shot at a higher rate of speed translates to more actual film footage used. Thus, it increases the cleaning cost by a small amount.
Film with Sound and Silent Film |
How does film with Sound and Silent film affect price?
Film with Sound is slightly thicker than film without it, so film with sound takes up a little more space when wound on the reel. It's not so noticeable on a small, 3-inch reel but does become quite noticeable on a large, 7-inch reel.
We transfer film with sound -- few transfer houses do! And, we charge the same rate whether or not film has sound.