Grain-Reduction in Motion
We'll start by showing you the end-result, so let's work backward.
This short clip demonstrates the effect of grain reduction on your footage. Pay special attention to the detail in the skirt portion of her dress. Where there is motion, grain reduction tends to slightly blur the image. When motion ceases or movement is slower, the image appears more crisp and in focus.
Many people favor the results of grain reduction because it softens scratches, lessens the visibility of debris, which may have remained on the film even after careful hand cleaning, and reduces the mold pattern on films that may be affected by such misfortune.
Below is the same clip without grain reduction applied. What you didn't see above, you will observe in this clip.
Notice the long hair-like piece of debris embedded in the emulsion of the original film. It appears on the right side of the frame just as she steps down onto the second step. The grain reduction effectively removed that debris, and it can eliminate quite a few flaws.
Over the years, we've noted the preferences of our customers: it's about 50-50 concerning grain reduction. Some appreciate the softened, cleaner image, while others prefer to see the image in greater focus—flaws and all.
Observing the entire frame as captured by our equipment, you will notice the sprocket holes on the left. See all that movement? Our "image stabilization" option has neutralized most of it, providing a result with a nice and steady image. It's a joy to watch.
Our additional image enhancement option of "image stabilization" is inexpensive, and nearly every customer chooses it.
NOTE: Do not be concerned about the sprocket holes jumping about; they will not appear in your final transfer (unless you prefer to see them and let us know of that preference). The extent of those sprocket holes jumping gives you an idea of just how shaky the original footage was.
Clip courtesy of Phil Hugly, with expressed written consent -- all rights reserved.